What and who is NGNBN broadband network?

What is the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (Next Gen NBN)?

The Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (Next Gen NBN) is the wired network of the Next Generation National Info-communications Infrastructure (Next Gen NII). A project under the Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) master plan, it will transform Singapore into an intelligent nation and a global city, powered by info-communications.
The Next Gen NBN will reinforce the status of Singapore as an info-communications hub and open new doors to economic opportunities, business growth and social vibrancy. It is envisioned that this will eventually provide a nationwide ultra-high speed broadband access of 1Gbps and more, to all physical addresses including homes, schools, government buildings, businesses and hospitals. At the start of its operations, the network is expected to offer users a broadband speed of up to 1 Gbps.
By end-2010, 60 per cent of homes and offices can expect to have access to this new, ultra high-speed, all-fibre network. The network coverage is expected to reach 95 per cent by mid-2012. In the near future, there will be a wide range of services riding on Next Gen NBN, which will empower business users, home users, schools and learning institutions. 

The future with Next Gen NBN

The Government believes that a pervasive and ultra-high speed broadband network will position Singapore for an info-communications enabled future. This infrastructure is a critical national enabler to spur the development of new knowledge-based sectors, such as research & development, interactive digital media and creative industries. It will catalyse development and deployment of innovative interactive digital services to homes, schools and businesses.
Besides enabling Singapore to exploit new economic opportunities and enhancing the vibrancy of the info-communications sector, the network will also offer effective open access to retail service providers to bring about a more competitive broadband market. This is expected to spark off the creation of a wider range of next generation services for end-users. A competitive and globally recognised infrastructure, coupled with a high level of adoption by the nation, will result in greater productivity gains and enable new possibilities to transform the way we live, learn, work and interact. 

Industry Structure for Effective Open Access

To ensure that Singapore will realise significant economic benefits from the Next Gen NBN, IDA has designed a structure aimed at leveling the playing field, allowing the benefits of the Next Gen NBN to be available to all industry players.
IDA has put in place structural separation requirements on the Next Gen NBN NetCo, and operational separation requirements on the Next Gen NBN OpCo. The different ownership of responsibilities and roles will ensure that there is no conflict of interests. RSPs will thus be able to purchase bandwidth connectivity at non-discriminatory and non-exclusive prices, and compete on a level playing field to provide competitive and innovative services to end-users.
The Next Gen NBN's industry structure will be made up of three layers, each comprising a company or a group of companies that is responsible for the functioning and growth of the network.
  1. The Network Company (NetCo), which operates at the first layer, is responsible for the design, build and operation of the passive infrastructure, which includes the dark-fibre network and ducts. OpenNet was appointed as the Next Gen NBN's NetCo.
  2. The Operating Company (OpCo), which operates at the second layer, will provide wholesale network services over the active infrastructure, comprising switches and transmission equipment. Nucleus Connect was selected as the OpCo for the Next Gen NBN.
  3. The Retail Service Providers (RSPs), which form the third layer, will offer services over the Next Gen NBN to end-users, including businesses and consumers.

Next Gen NBN Industry Structure

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