Why Singaporeans are slow to switch to fibre broadband ?

I think it is just normal that most people are just afraid to step into the unknown.  Most people are just worried about the stability and the reliability of the service itself.  Why should i be a guinea pig in this beta?  What if the whole Fibre Broadband service went down all of a sudden and it takes about a week or so to get it repaired. That would actually cause all kinds of problems.

I think most people just hate to be in a stage we call Beta.  But alot of Singaporeans don't know that this system has been used in the States for quite some time already.  This system is just been brought over and did most of you guys know that the Government wants fibre broadband in all houses by the end of 2012. 

The other reason is also that most people are still bound with their two years contract with their current telco . And terminating their contract early would mean a hefty termination charge, so logically most people are still waiting for their current contract to end . 

It understandable that almost everyone is skeptical about the real speed that they can obtain due to past experiences with their current telco that didn't deliver what they had promised.  Most telco were never honest with the real speed that they give by covering themselves with fine prints that were never openly announced .  All this was due to the infrastructure and the lack of understanding what their telco are capable of.  

But just like how people moved on from dial up to ADSL and Cable , i am positive that this trend will eventually catch on with the modern society and how internet is being used everyday .

Be sure to join our campaign to switch from ADSL or Cable Broadband to Fibre Broadband today.  
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